Privacy (website)
This site protects your privacy under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (the Act) and principles set out in the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). Under these acts, we follow principles including us making clear to you what information is collected and how it is used.
Like most websites, this site captures two types of data:
- Details you provide freely when you register with YourPlay or leave contact details so we can respond to your questions or feedback: Any information you provide will be used with your consent and for the purpose for which you provided it except in exceptional circumstances where authorised by law. For more information about how your personal privacy is protected when registering and using YourPlay, see the full Privacy Policy and Collection Notice.
- Visitor logs that the YourPlay site server captures when you browse the site: When you browse any internet site, it captures, for example, your server’s address, your top-level domain name (e.g. .com, .au), the date and the time of your visit to the site, the pages you accessed and downloaded, the address of the last site you visited, your operating system, the type of browser you are using. Sites also use methods to help users resume where they left off a search, e.g. to go back to a registered login etc (cookies), and other methods to either track web traffic or support users. We use information collected in this way for statistical purposes only and to update and improve this site, but we make no attempt to identify individual users or their browsing activity.