The YourPlay website is operated primarily for people to register and use the YourPlay service and for the interested public. In using the site, you agree that information on the site may be subject to change without notice from time to time and may not always be accurate. In using the site, you also agree that, to the extent permitted by law, Intralot Gaming Services Pty Ltd (IGS) as the licensed operator of the site, does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by using or relying on the information or the site or in using the internet to access the information. Links to external websites should not be taken to be an endorsement or a recommendation of any third party products or services they offer. If you agree to any terms and conditions on this website in the course of registering for YourPlay, those terms and conditions apply to the extent there is any inconsistency between this website disclaimer and those terms and conditions.